Apple AirTags and numerous similar products on the market have been great technologies for many. Whether you lose your keys regularly or don't trust your airline as far as you can throw them to keep track of your bags, these products come in handy. But what many people fail to realize is that these tracking devices are a stalker's dream. When tracking devices are the size of a coin and are so cheap to buy, putting a tracker on a vehicle is no longer the stuff of spy movies and Breaking Bad but a real threat.
Unfortunately, stalkers are often current or former partners. Stalking is a form of domestic violence, and you have a right to protection. If a current or former partner stalks you, consider taking legal action and obtaining a restraining order. The Lento Law Firm Family Law Team can walk you through the process of getting a restraining order and work tirelessly to protect your safety. Call us today at 888-535-3686 or contact us online.
How Do These Tracking Devices Work?
Tracking devices can be placed nearly anywhere, being such a small size, and can be unnoticed, especially when hidden somewhere like a vehicle. AirTags and other tracking devices will usually connect to an app on the owner's phone.
Who Is at risk?
Just like traditional stalking, anyone can become a victim of tracking device stalking. If you are a victim of domestic violence or conventional stalking, you may be at higher risk of being tracked.
How Do I Know if I Am Being Stalked Using a Tracking Device?
The technology for learning if you are stalked with a tracking device is far from perfect. In fact, a class action lawsuit is underway in which victims of AirTag stalking claim that Apple has not taken sufficient action to protect them from their abusers misusing the Apple product.
iPhones running on iOS 14.5 or later updates will notify users if an unknown AirTag is tracking them, but this feature only applies to AirTags, not non-Apple tracking devices. Tracker Detect is an app available on Android that can pick up AirTags and some other compatible device presence. This app requires the user to scan for tracking devices instead of your phone automatically and continuously search for devices.
Google and Apple have committed to developing more features for iPhone and Android that will detect AirTags and other tracking devices, regardless of the type of phone; for example, alerts for an unknown AirTag would be sent to Android phones, and non-Apple trackers would be identified by iPhones. Tracking device companies, including Samsung, Tile, Chipolo, eufy Security, and Pebblebee, have also agreed to collaborate with Google and Apple to ensure their devices would be picked up by stalking victims. This project is still in the works.
How Can I Protect Myself From AirTag and Tracking Device Stalking?
If you have an iPhone, watch for any notification that says, "Item Detected Near You." If you get this notification, you can trigger the AirTag to make a beeping sound, which can help you locate the device.
I Found an Unknown Tracking Device in My Possessions. What Should I Do Now?
Call law enforcement immediately or go to your local police station to file a report. While you may be tempted to destroy the device or remove the battery, don't. Battery removal or any tampering with the device can destroy evidence, such as identifying digital information or fingerprints.
If your current or former partner has stalked you using an AirTag or tracking device, the Lento Law Firm Family Law Team can help you take the legal steps to protect yourself. Call us at 888-535-3686 or contact us online.
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