
Co-parenting and COVID

Posted by Joseph D. Lento | Sep 26, 2020 | 0 Comments

Learning how to co-parent successfully during a pandemic is unquestionably challenging. A new Washington Post profile of different East Coast families who share co-parenting duties reports that most of them agree that the two biggest challenges in custody arrangements are: facing uncertainty when trying to make the right decisions in the face of a baffling novel coronavirus, and knowing if and when a court order is necessary for conflict resolution.

The article highlights some of the unique situations that the pandemic is forcing co-parents to consider, such as:

  • taking sole custody if one parent becomes sick
  • strategizing the safest living situation for the kids
  • negotiating risk-reduction tactics for drop-offs and overnights
  • preparing for future “battles” with a co-parent as schools reopen and the holidays approach

Get A Family Law Professional to Help Reduce COVID Confusion

If co-parents don't share a similar risk tolerance when it comes to child-rearing during the coronavirus crisis, the situation may require the help of an experienced family law attorney. And now that New Jersey schools have begun to reopen, reassessing safety protocol is more important than ever. You have rights, and knowing how they relate to co-parenting during the pandemic is your strongest ally in protecting the health and safety of your family.

Knowing When to Consult a Family Law Professional 

As The Washington Post article confirms, co-parenting isn't always easy or straightforward because of COVID concerns.

“It's tough to determine if it's okay to do certain things,” laments one dad in the Post as he ponders hosting a birthday party for his son. Another parent wonders if she'll need to get a court order to establish her son's back-to-school routine with her ex-husband. The uncertainty of the novel coronavirus is why most of the parents fear that they don't always know the right thing to do.

“When my clients come to me for help, they are often facing one of their most difficult times in life,” says New Jersey attorney Joseph D. Lento of the Lento Law Firm. “Knowing that life is not always easy, I take clients' concerns personally, and I am only satisfied when a client is satisfied.”

If you need help navigating the often confusing aspects of the COVID-19 crisis and how it relates to your rights as a co-parent, give the Lento Law Firm a call at 888-535-3686 or contact us online. New Jersey attorney Joseph D. Lento has many years of experience negotiating and navigating complicated family law and co-parenting issues for his clients. To make contacting an experienced lawyer as comfortable as possible, you may conveniently discuss your case with the Lento Law Firm over the phone, over email, or through a video conference.

“Nothing gets handed to most people in life,” adds Lento, “and whether it's a position I'm arguing for a client, a negotiation with the powers that be that will allow for a more favorable resolution to a client's case, or anything that requires me to drive hard, I do not stop until I get results!”

About the Author

Joseph D. Lento

"I pride myself on having heart and driving hard to get results!" Attorney Joseph D. Lento is a veteran of one of the nation's busiest family courts with nearly 20 years' experience passionately helping families. By day, he worked in the trenches of family court, and at night, he studied the law. He helped countless families while working at family court, and he went on to become an attorney, dedicating his law practice to continuing the work he started years earlier. Mr. Lento's experience both behind the scenes and on the front lines allows him to understand a client's family law matter from all angles, and allows him to find and employ the most effective strategies to get favorable outcomes for any client. Joseph D. Lento is licensed in New Jersey and New York, and is admitted pro hac vice as needed nationwide. In the courtroom and in life, attorney Joseph D. Lento stands up when the bell rings! He does not settle for the easiest outcome, and instead prioritizes his clients' needs and protects their interests.


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Attorney Joseph D. Lento has more than a decade of experience practicing Family Law in New Jersey. If you are having any uncertainties about what the future may hold for you and your family, contact our offices today. Family Law Attorney Joseph Lento will go above and beyond the needs for any client and fight for what is fair.

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